Self-Tormenting Mothers

You must have heard about your child, not motherhood, but motherhood.  If you are, you have children.  You must first be in a solid mood yourself.  To make your child happy, you must be happy first.  Please do something for yourself first.  When you look at it, I call it slave mothers and they actually do evil with these behaviors.  The dramatic part is that the mother thinks she is doing good.  For example, to offer her unlimited cartoon addiction to my child being happy crying is to cause permanent damage to his brain that he will carry throughout his life.  Actually, this is a laziness.  It is to avoid taking care of the child.  Mothers and fathers who do whatever the child wants is to raise an insatiable child.  In fact, this type of parents, who call themselves self-sacrificing, are not even aware that they harm their children and themselves.  Do not force your children to feed.  Description of the experts of this topic.  You sit at the table.  Don't beg to come to the table.  Let him come to the table or ask for it.  Do not raise dependent children.  To be compatible with life, they need to learn the rules.  You learned the painful aspects and rules of life.  Let him learn too.  Let the child feel hungry.  Let's say you sent it to boarding school.  Nobody will beg him to insist that he eat.  If this does not happen, your child is depressed, unable to do so, his psychology is disrupted.  He escapes from school.  He will go to the army.  Nobody will beg him to eat.  If he does not, he must learn that he will be hungry until a while.  Do not tire yourself and your child with your unnecessary behavior and do not tire yourself.  Take precautions instead of leaving children.  Do this for both yourself and your child.  Let's explain this with examples.  Let's say you have a child of 2-3 years old.  Your favorite tableware is at a height that you can reach and you can open the door of the closet drawer.  Once you saw them, you saw them playing as toys.  Attach a lock to that drawer and not open it.  Or raise it to a height that it cannot reach.  The precautions you don't take like this will tire you.  Your day goes by saying "don't make my daughter my daughter"  You Girl.  Child cries.  You'll be sorry to cry.  You wear out.  Your day passes with the struggle.  Take precautions.

 Cartoons can negatively affect children in 4 main ways:

 1) Directing to violence: According to the researches, it has been observed that children who watch violent cartoons fight more, are more nervous and aggressive than their peers.  It has also been revealed that these children are more nervous, impatient and rebellious in their relations with parents and elders.  It has been determined that violent cartoons have 3 main effects on children watching these programs.  These:

 a) these children are less sensitive to the pain and sadness of “others”,

 b) these children do not suffer as much or even as much as necessary from the violence in their environment in real life, and

 c) As the previous research points out, these children are more prone to behaving aggressively and violently towards their environment than others.

 2) Blunting (reducing) cognitive functions: A 2004 study reveals that children who watch television and cartoons for an average of 3-4 hours a day are 30% to 40% more likely to develop attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder than others.  Although some studies claim that over-watched television and especially action-packed cartoons may cause epileptic seizures in children, this is not a proven phenomenon.

 3) Disconnection from Reality: The researches indicate that if the attention is not paid and not tried to be prevented, the cartoon characters watched will start to settle in the child's world day by day and will severely adapt the child from reality.  It was observed that children who watched many cartoons and identified with those characters had difficulties in establishing social relations and chose to be alone.

 4) Decreased safe behavior and increased risk: Especially before the age of 12 and whose reasoning skills are not yet developed, they may have difficulties (or even fail) to make the determination between reality and “imagination” and may experience serious safety problems.  They can assume that the flying and fleeing behaviors in the content of the cartoons may be in real life and try to risk them.

 Do not let the child watch TV uncontrollably for 3-5 hours a day.  Then this boy is hyperactive, hitting us, misbehaving, throwing his toys, hurting us.  Be a conscious parent.  Read it.  Investigate.


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